Sunday, July 26, 2009

B-day party and gifts.

So, I had my big birthday "shin-dig" last night, at a cool little tiki-bar on College st. Sutra. Great music, sandy back patio, and all around good vibes. I was soooo happy to see all my friends that came to celebrate with me....such a great bunch of people. Truly, I'm one lucky lady. So, per usge...I went a little over board with the bringing of the snack food, (since Sutra doesn't serve food, but didn't mind if I did). Fruit & veggies, chips, dip, cheese ... hell, I even made cup-cakes! Chocolate and Vanilla. I brought about 40 or so cupcakes...well maybe more like 35...since I probably ate like 5 or know, "testing" them to make sure they were up to par. (Not so good for my new "weight-loss" plan, that really hasn't happened yet). So, anyways..back to Sutra...again I have failed Cardinal rule #1 (for bloggers), which is take pictures of everything! (Especially of things that you plan to write about latter). So, I don't think that I have any pics of my culinary delights to show you all... if I stumble upon any, I will be sure to post them. Gifts: Who doesn't love gifts...if you say that you don''re the world's worst lier. Gift #1:Erin I totally forgot that Erin and I had looked at this website together..... Check it out...This line is soo me, that I can't even handle it. Erin surprised me with this maroon fringe necklace. I die. Gift#2: Tash Tash surprised me with a gift card to Sephora...loves...and a really cool book. "The Rollingstone's Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll". Quiz me bitches!! Gift #3:Frank Frank, (my bff), bought me these lovely "House of Harlow" earrings from Holt Renfrew. Yes, it's Nicole Ritchie's jewellery line, but I don't care...I love them. Finally, a celeb whose designs don't suck ass. She's cute. And I feel cute wearing these earrings! They also go great with a wicked bangle that my friend Kiki, and her husband John gave me. Gift#4: Sisters I'm combining the gifts from my sisters, because I'm hung-over and starting to go cross eyed. My sister Allyson, bought me a lovely white gold necklace, with a little crown on it. I love crowns. I can't seem to find a pic of it on-line. If I can get my act together, I will post on latter. My sis's Jessy and Jenny bought me my beloved Dior Show Mascara. Yes! Ok, so that's all I can do. I'd like to thank everyone for showing up and having a good time with me. If I have forgotten anyone, please don't be offended, I love everything!!! And I love you too!!!