Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Who would you pick? HB covers 09

Harpers Bazaar Uk is asking viewers to vote for your fav cover of 2009. Naturally, mine was Oct, that featured Lily Cole. (I posted about this cover awhile back)!

I'm slightly biased, I love redheads. That's why I have redhair!

Ok, so here are some of my runners up......
Let me know who you would vote for!

First runner-up is Kate Hudson. (Not really a fan of her's, but did like the cover).

Second runner-up, is Posh. She's on two different versions of December's cover. #1 is my fav version.

Third runner-up is Miss January Jones. I just love her. This one of Uma, not so much.

My least favourite cover, is the one featuring Emily Blunt. She's a very pretty woman, but looks a little dazed and confused in this picture. It's hard for me to believe that this was the best pic,  that they had of her face. Like really?....look at her eyes.

Who would you vote for?



  1. funny, my favourites were the emily blunt and uma ones (indeed uma's cover was my first blog post!)! i think it was the colours more than anything. i did love the 70s vibe of the lily cole one too and that gorgeous glossy red. The one of Kate Hudson is very similar to some of the recent Elle ones.

  2. i have to agree on #1 for posh - the netting is just so pretty

  3. The Lily Cole one is beautiful, I definitely agree! I think my absolute favorite one would be the first Posh one... The angle on her face and the styling is just fabulous! I think she can look SO harsh most of the time that this was a nice change. I love January Jones as well, but I do think the angle of that photo does nothing for that beautiful face of hers. Either way, great choices! :)
