Monday, March 1, 2010

ABA show- Toronto

Today, I'm off to the annual ABA hair show in Toronto. Hair and beauty companies from all over, come to the trade show to display what's hot with style and design for the upcoming seasons. Not to mention, that you can buy all sorts of haircare and makeup.
I'm in need of a new combs, clippers, and curling irons. It is going to be expensive, but well worth it. I will try to post pics. In the meantime, he are a few inspiring pics for me at the moment.
Happy Monday,



  1. Wish I went with you! Hope it was great...xo

  2. I love that first look with the big black eyes! Where is the image from? great blog xK

  3. Hi Beautik,

    I love that image as well! I believe it is from Russian Vogue. Not sure what month though, but fairly recently! :)
