All Saints is my new favourite store. I love everything about it, the clothes (obviously), the store decor, and their website. Check it,
is really expensive when you covert it back to Canadian dollars. I tried not to, but it's just human nature. The cuts and the KNITWEAR..incredible. The through back western vibe, the army boots....all so freakin cool. Not to mention, that everyone who works in the store is gorgeous! I have no idea what their North American shipping rates are like??? Hmmmm....this could get interesting!
p.s. on a sad note.....I was hoping to post lots of pics from my UK experience. I have had my camera for about 5 years now, and it always worked like a charm....that is until my vacation!!!!! Little Bitch. Call it bad luck or "Murphy's Law", I don't know...I will have to get a new camera, and I will post the best of what I did take.
Welcome back...xo